Walk Alone - Cher (lyrics)

Walk Alone

There's a poet in me that remembers
And there's an honesty in every word
There's a dancer that feels her own beat
And there's a daughter who loves

There's a sinner in my bones
And there's a joker in my head
There are secrets in my soul
And there are sorries that I have never said

But there's a time to dance
Time to laugh
Time to cry
Time to go
Time to grieve
Time to come

Oh, I still got time to cope
Time to hope
Time to play
Time to grow
But for now I gotta walk alone
I gotta walk alone

There's a tight rope that I've been walking
There's a daisy in my hair
There's a heartbreak that has taught me
Of what is raging
And there's only love and fear

There's a sadness in my confessions
There's a hyena howling at the moon
And there's a gypsy in me that keeps on roaming
And there's a an anger as I get closer to the truth

But there's a time to dance
Time to laugh
Time to cry
Time to go
Time to grieve
Time to come

Oh, I still got time to cope
Time to hope
Time to play
Time to grow
But for now I gotta walk alone
I gotta walk alone
I gotta walk alone
I've got to walk alone
But for now I gotta walk alone

Oh, I hear the thunder but I won't back down
A soldier marches through the wrong side of town
I'm gonna love you until I bleed
And that's the story of me
I gotta walk alone

If they say time is everything
There's a time to dance
Time to laugh
Time to cry
Time to go
Time to grieve
Time to come

Oh, I still got time to cope
Time to hope
Time to play
Time to grow
But for now I gotta walk alone
I've got to walk alone
I've got to walk alone
I gotta walk alone
For now I gotta walk alone


Ray Charles & Natalie Cole Fever


Halie Loren - Perhaps, Perhaps, Perhaps


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Fizika, hemija, statistika, kompjuteri (physics, chemistry, statistics and computer science) - online lab
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Put za pravi put

Put za pravi put, Vampiri
Ako znas put za pravi put,
ne daj da ovim lutam uzalud..
vagam teske tasove,
osluskujem vazne glasove.
Cudan je put za pravi put.
Bas je dug, mozda vrtim se u krug.
Svuda zid, nigde kapije,
za kroz zid pa sta se razbije.
Preko zida cvetna polja,
neki fini, nasmejani svet
kako da im pridjem, da im kazem evo me
Hodam putem kojim kao da niko prosao nije
mozda ovo nije put za pravi put
Ja hodam putem kojim kao da niko prosao nije
Mozda ovo nije put za pravi put
O nee
Preko zida cvetna polja,
neki fini, nasmejani svet.
Kako da im pridjem,
da im kazem evo mee...
Hodam putem kojim kao da niko prosao nije
mozda ovo nije put za pravi put
Ja hodam putem kojim kao da niko prosao nije
mozda ovo nije put za pravi put
Ljude sam sretao,
za put ih pitao,
svi kao znaju tu je negde..
Za njega culi su,
ali ne znaju ulicu,
a neki cak bili su
samo slabo se secaju
Hodam putem kojim kao da niko prosao nije
Mozda ovo nije put za pravi put
Ja hodam putem kojim kao da niko prosao nije....