Bruce Lipton - The Healing Field & Limitless - 13 episodes 72h aktivni linkovi (klik "read more")
Bruce Lipton - The Healing Field (obnovljen link 26.04.2020 u 22.54h)
Inner Worlds-Outer Worlds - 4 episodes (52h) (obnovljeni linkovi 29.03.2020 u 20:20h)
01. Akasha
02. The Spiral
03. The Serpent and the Lotus
04. Beyond Thinking
Limitless - 13 episodes (jos 44 h aktivni linkovi, obnovljeno 29.3.2020 u 20.35)
01. What Are We Capable Of?
02. The Human Riddle
03. Neurohack the Supermind
04. Sacred Postures & Quantum Consciousness
05. The Power of Play
06. Flow States & Shamanism
07. Small Steps to Lasting Changes
08. Placebos & the Power of Belief
09. Limitless Aging
10. Microbiome & the Gut Brain
11. The Power of Self Care
12. Irrational Evolution
13. The Bigger Picture
Dodatak naknadno 24.04.2020,, Bruce Lipton,The Power of Belief to Transform Your Life & Health with Bruce Lipton (40ak h traje link)
Dodato 26.03.2020 u 11:45, Inner evolution - Bruce Lipton
01. Empowered Genetics02. Debunking Evolutionary Myths03. Quantum Perceptions of Matter
Bruce Lipton - The Healing Field (obnovljen link 26.04.2020 u 22.54h)
Inner Worlds-Outer Worlds - 4 episodes (52h) (obnovljeni linkovi 29.03.2020 u 20:20h)
01. Akasha
02. The Spiral
03. The Serpent and the Lotus
04. Beyond Thinking
Limitless - 13 episodes (jos 44 h aktivni linkovi, obnovljeno 29.3.2020 u 20.35)
01. What Are We Capable Of?
02. The Human Riddle
03. Neurohack the Supermind
04. Sacred Postures & Quantum Consciousness
05. The Power of Play
06. Flow States & Shamanism
07. Small Steps to Lasting Changes
08. Placebos & the Power of Belief
09. Limitless Aging
10. Microbiome & the Gut Brain
11. The Power of Self Care
12. Irrational Evolution
13. The Bigger Picture
Dodatak naknadno 24.04.2020,, Bruce Lipton,The Power of Belief to Transform Your Life & Health with Bruce Lipton (40ak h traje link)
Dodato 26.03.2020 u 11:45, Inner evolution - Bruce Lipton
01. Empowered Genetics02. Debunking Evolutionary Myths03. Quantum Perceptions of Matter